
European union

Lucky us, the European Union, thanks to the Schengen agreement, has introduced free movement of goods, people and pets, for a big part of Europe.  With, for good reasons, some limitation and rules related to alcohol, tabaco, drugs, arms. Each countriy has his specifics (use of mobile devices while driving, ...) and add some limitations for poluting cars, ...


Once you leave the European Union, even to other european countries (Andorra, San Marino, Vatican city, Switzerland), check visa requirements, your car insurance and mobile telephone roaming costs. 

Always check yours and the destination country/government website related to administrative mandatory procedures and recommendations.


As we prepare and travel we will add our findings to the country pages.  Note however, that we are (for the moment) EU citizens.

And as always, don't be afraid to ask a local. 

How to recognize other European travelers.

You can always send us your experience and feedback to  We will add it, if you want, with a reference to your site/facebookpage/mail address.

Website progress

Austria Basic No big intentions in the near future. For the moment, only a option for skiing. Unesco World Heritage to be added
Belgium Flanders Extensive Native country/region, so open for specific topics on demand.  Mail me at
Belgium Wallonia Decent Native country, so open for specific topics on demand.  Mail me at
Croatia Basic + North Busy extending. Unesco World Heritage to be added
Czech Republic Basic

Unesco World Heritage to be added

Compete with Camp info

France Basic + North-West + Skiing Busy extending to Nort-East, then mid and later south. Unesco World Heritage to be added
Germany Basic Unesco World Heritage to be added


incl. San Marino

Basic Unesco World Heritage to be added
Luxembourg Basic Unesco World Heritage to be added
Poland Basic Unesco World Heritage to be added
Netherlands Basic Unesco World Heritage to be added
Slovenia Basic Unesco World Heritage to be added
Ukraine Basic

Complete with road/camp info

Unesco World Heritage to be added

Switzerland Basic

Complete with road/camp info

Unesco World Heritage to be added



List of counties to add (by priority):

  • Spain, Portugal

  • Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland

  • UK (roaming), Ireland

  • Hungary, Bosnia en Herzegovina, Albania, Servia, Kosovo, Roemenia, North-Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece

  • Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Andorra, Malta, Liechtenstein, Monaco (to France), Vatican City (to Italy)

Candidate to provide info on your native country or region.  Or you already have a website I can mention. Mail me at

Trip ideas

  • Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe (exceptional nature cross 18 countries - Unesco World Heritage)