
A smartphone or a tablet with internet connection is a big plus.  Without is a much adventurous alternative.

I use a smartphone, with Android mirror to my double DIN touch screen car radio, complemented with a tablet+removable keyboard for planning and watching movies.  You can also use a tablet with SIM and a tablet holder on the dash.  


Only some navigation app, take in account size and weight of your rig: I found CoPilot & Sygic.  Monthly fee keeps me from testing it.  Pop me a mail if you have experience with it.

So far I preffered Waze, but it does not offer sharing of points-of-interest between PC and mobile or showing POI's while driving or navigating/planning.  This is much easier with google maps with a google account.

Finding campervan parking, service points

Park4Night PC, IOS & Android

Open, community based.

EU and beyond

All kinds of parking, service points, ...
Camping-Car Park PC, IOS & Android

No subscription.

Only their facilities.


Some not on Park4Night.

Mostly full option (water, electricity, gray water and toilet dupmp)
Google satelite view PC, Smartphone browser Free, internet needed World Look for white square boxes
Backcountry navigator


Basecamp + openstreetmaps on PC


Off-line on smartphone = download maps upfront !

World Small (off-) road opportunities to stop/park/... 

Untested: Campercar, CamperVanBible

Many more


ACSI IOS & Android & how to
